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Supra2NR 06-12-2006 08:35 PM

engine concerns - Gashes and Burns
i ddnt do anything stupid this time it was an accident
here's the story

i changed the oil in my car (went fine)
i drove around my neighborhood after the car was warmed up and made sure the engine is getting the oil,
got back to the house
i check under the hood making sure everything is alright
(everything was)

and then whoooosh!!

to anybody that is a fan of the long t-shirt, dont wear it while working on your car

to my suprise my shirt got on the radiator cap
and i got a coolant bath
on the contrary for something they call "coolant" that shit was hot as hell

well i got treated for minor burns, jus 1st and second degree burns nothing serious (thats for anybody who cares)

well dont worry about me tho
i jus wanna know since my engine took a coolant shower too with me, is there any of the electronics that i should look at again , the car started after i dried up most of the spill, but if theres anything else

your opinion is greatly valued

jfunez 06-16-2006 06:42 PM

it shoul be fine, except for the coolant stains and the smell.

Supra2NR 06-16-2006 09:56 PM

yeah i know aobut the coolant smell, i smelled like that for the rest of that day, and even inside the car

theWeezL 06-17-2006 12:36 AM

Post a video or it didnt happen.....

just kidding but I wish I had been there to see it...NOT that I would revel in your misery....

ok, yeah.....yeah I would. :cool:

Supra2NR 06-17-2006 08:19 PM

u r jus straight up cold blooded, u know that shit sucks right?

like i said b4 , for something called coolant that shit was hot as hell, it look like geyser for a second when it was swishing out of the radiator

theWeezL 06-18-2006 05:33 AM

ok, I will relate a story that will undoubtedly make you feel better.

A couple years ago my wife and I were living in this little house in Central Oregon. It was this tiny little cottage that had been renovated with all new everything. Anyways, one night I am going to take a shower and I remember that hte faucet on the tub had been dripping for a couple weeks and at about 11:30 at night with my wife sleeping I decide NOW is the time Im gonna fix it.

Well I shut off the water going to the faucet (or so I thought) and start to unscrew the hot and cold fittings. I took the cold off no problem. I am taking the hot off and there is a little dripping, but I figured its just pressure still in the system. WRONG! I get the fitting out to the very last little bit of thread and.........PSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!

It starts shooting water at full force across the tub. I am frantically trying to put the fitting back on, but with the water coming out, I look like a monkey trying to put the coconut back in the dam, and the water is getting hotter! But I figure if I can just hold on a little longer I can get the fitting in place...and I know Im getting burned now, but I keep trying for a few more seconds..

I CANT do it! water is hitting the back of the shower wall so hard its spraying out and now the floor has at least an inch of water on it. I close the shower curtain and go to the hot water heater. Which in this little cottage was put in a corner of the kitchen behind a screwed in cabinet wall, next to a refrigerator. Well after I got the refridgerator out of the way and the cabinet wall off, I find I can barely turn the valve on the heater because now I notice that skin is hanging off my hand! large white flaps of skin are now rubbing off on the valve.

Well, I finally got the valve turned off. I woke my wife up (she slept through the whole thing, and I considered leaving it that way and denying the whole thing...except that I have no idea how to explain my hand). She mopped up the bathroom and I spent the night with my hand in a bowl of icewater. The next morning I went to the hospital, called a plumber, and got drunk.

The moral of my story...if your not qualified to do the service, pony up and pay a professional.

(I know, it has almost nothing to do with the thread...but it was a good story and it was a good lesson)

damdog05 06-18-2006 06:33 AM

that was a nice story. i always love hearing about skin hanging off hands and such.

Supra2NR 06-18-2006 05:16 PM

certainly does make me feel better i was actually smiling while reading the story

but its not as bad as what my dad did

he was using a blowtorch to kill sum insect , dunt know what happend next but, the torch got block , and gasoline started comin from the back of the torch , next i know my dad was running around screaming , he literaly lookd like the human torch since it caught all of his arms chest legs, in a sick was i thought it was hilarious, he used his arms to wave off the flames by the time he was done he also waved off his skin in his chest, how amazing are these time when you can see whats under the skin of a human body. . .

dcrusupra 06-18-2006 05:22 PM

I just had 26 stitches in my leg for 2 weeks. 6 inside stitches and 20 outside stitches Just got them removed on Friday. I got pics of the wound before if anyone wants to see. Quite gruesome. I fell in the "pit" at work. There was supposed to be a metal grate that was over it but it was moved and thats what my leg hit on the way down.

theWeezL 06-18-2006 05:24 PM

heh, and once again I inadvertantly jack a thread...sorry about that!

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