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Old 01-23-2010, 06:31 AM   #32
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: texas
Posts: 105
bradenman1 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by cre View Post
Here, it takes some getting used to and a little bit of poking around to learn how it workd, but it'll save you a lot of time:

If you're unsure of a part post the link to the page it's on along with the five digit number on that page and I'm sure someone will help you verify parts.

When you find a part on a page you can click on the 5 digit number to get the part number.

Turbo water pipe gasket 16347-42020

Turbo oil inlet gasket 15471-58010

Turbo oil outlet gasket 15473-42010 same page as above

Your turn... here's the page with the intake piping... there is NOTHING called an 'armlet' on a Supra... no idea why, but that word is really bugging me...
You are a fucking god!!!! i love you!!! i got every single part i need from these links : )
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