Thread: Bubbling Noise
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:16 AM   #12
500whp yet?
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Originally posted by suprra_girl@Aug 20 2005, 04:19 AM


isn't your bhg light on telling you ur low on water?
i think she means your reserve water bottle light aka BHG light .
this warning light must have gone off by now . on the left side . indicates low water level in the reserve water bottle up front .
could be a crappy fan huh ? isn't that something the other one you looked at had a crappy fan too . how odd that 2 supras have crappy fans causing over heating .. NOT

it's amazing that so many "highly trained people" have looked at your car before you bought it and gave you a complete clean bill of health .
and then what 1 week later you're singing the BHG blues . Toyota told me i didn't have a BHG once too , and then they hosed me down with the price of a new radiator .. who can you trust

i suppose you could try and re-torque the head bolts , but it's prolly too late to do much good .

you can fight it for a long time ..
keep an eye on water levels
keep an eye on temp gauge
keep your finger on the heater on button

i'd say it's time to break out your warranty

it's a good thing you have that warranty right ?
...course you're gonna find out the limitations of the warranty .
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