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Old 03-15-2008, 02:23 AM   #19
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Fuck off
Posts: 11
GST95 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by supramacist
Yes it is irrelevant, Because it's not the tranny that decides the shift point.
It's the gearing inside the tranny.
Not true. Gearing does not determine how well the tranny shifts. It determines the rpm change of the shift. It is the syncro setup that matches the speed of the 2 shafts (usually input and intermediate) the selected gear set is on. Once the speed is matched for the selected gear set the hub and slider splines together and locks the gear set to the 2 shafts (also referred to as "in gear"). How well and fast they do this determines how well it shifts, which is what I have been talking about from the beginning. If the syncros cant match the speed difference of the shafts, the hub and slider will just grind and not spline together (the gears themselves are always meshed together free spinning on the shafts) The person that can answer my questions would not need to be explained on how a manual transmission works.

By the way, your statement would be like saying "Its not the car thats fast, its the engine inside of it." Even though the car would not be fast without its engine, the "car" refers to the total package. When you say tranny you refer to its total assembly. You can then segment it into its individual parts(gear sets, shafts, bearings, syncros, hubs, sliders, springs, etc). Just like a car refers to its total Assembly and then can be segmented down to its components (wheels, tires, brakes, engine, tranny, diff, seat, body, etc). Hope that helps

Originally Posted by supramacist
You can buy that $hit and have it changed up to enhance your precious shift points.
Again, another question that I asked long ago
Originally Posted by GST95
is there anybody that makes upgraded syncros or anything to help them?
Since I do my own tranny builds, and dont "have it changed up" I would need to know who makes upgraded syncro setups, or what combination of stock parts works the best and the result of these upgrades.

You guys are getting mad at me for not stating my questions properly, but you dont even read what I am writing. If you dont understand my question, I can reword it many different ways. Just ask me.
Too many DSM's, not enough time
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