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Old 03-07-2008, 03:54 PM   #1
Jet Krosswind
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Default Which Is Better To Replace First?

Hello everyone, I'm looking at improving my Supra that I've owned for the past 2 years. It has a flawless interior and a great exterior, minus a few scratches. Anyway, I'm looking to replace my NA 7mge engine with 150k miles with a 40k 7mgte that comes with a turbo and everything. Its also an automatic, and I'd like to switch it over to a 5 speed.

Should I just sell my car and buy one that is a 5spd turbo? Or should I keep mine and upgrade it because of its good condition?

And if I do decide to upgrade, should I replace the engine or the tranny first? Or both together?

Thanks in advance


-87 NA 7mge
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