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Old 10-20-2006, 02:39 AM   #42
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: west houston
Posts: 57
thechori is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by XtreeX
I'm 19 going to be 20 in Nov. This is my second supra, I have a mk3 auto n/a 90' that im debating on how to get rid of it. And i have now a 87' turbo 5-speed which blows my last one clean out of the water and it's currently getting a MHG job done.

Before that I owned 2 maximas lol. A 95' auto Maxima SE, and then my baby was a 97' Maxima SE 5-speed supercharged with borla exhaust and K&N intake. That car was the fastest car i've ever driven. FWD maxima pumped out about 298 bwhp and 311 lbs/torque. I don't have the dyno because it was with the car when i sold it.

But that has been departed and now I'm a huge supra fanatic. Turbo deffinetlybetter then the s/c IMO and im ready to get this thing back to stock and perfect running condition then really pump out the ponies. The 97' maxima stock in a 5-speed ran 0-60 in the same time the turbo supra did, so ive been here before with the bottom end power, but the turbo deffinetly takes the cake after it gets going.
nice maxima, i wouldn't expect a blower on that thing if i saw it on the street
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