Thread: IS300 vs MK4
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Old 04-25-2006, 02:04 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Isphius
I was thinking about getting a mk4 supra turbo, but i can only spend about 20k total on the car, and I cant find a mk4 turbo for that much. But i know the is300 has the 2j motor, And i can probably afford one of those. Now my question is, What is the difference between the is300 and supra, as far as engines go. And will the turbo parts from the supra bolt onto the lexus? It looks like the lexus has the older style manifold that goes out the side of the motor instead of the front, But does that matter? also let me know if there was a thread on this already, But i couldnt seem to find any.
I used to drive an IS300, and I desperately wanted to boost it after riding in a monster turbo IS from Toyomoto. However, the AWD bug hit me, and I bought an Evo instead of a turbo kit for an IS. The entry kits start around $6-7,000. I've seen them go up to $30,000. Since the block is the same as the Supra, with the right mods installed properly, the IS300 can be turned into a real boosted terror. It will cost you though....

The block in the IS300, as with the old SC300 and old GS300, is the 2JZGE. It is the same block, but not the same engine. Meaning, the IS motor wasn't built from the factory to handle boost, there are a lot of turbo components on the 2JZGTE that are absent from the 2JZGE. That being said, turbo components from the Supra will not bolt directly on the IS300. The ECU has to be controlled/tuned/even bypassed in an IS300 to make it into a turbo car. Here are a few of the manufacturers of quality IS300 turbo kits listed in order that I would purchase from:

1.) Toyomoto, Inc. - Miami, FL -
I rode in a 550 whp turbo IS300 from Toyomoto, and that thing was scary fast!

2.) Peter Farrell Supercars - Maryland -

3.) Powerhouse Racing - Texas ?? -

4.) Swift Racing Technologies - Maryland -
Hello MKIV

Last edited by jdub24; 04-25-2006 at 02:07 PM.
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