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Old 02-15-2012, 05:24 AM   #4
12psi boost
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: California
Posts: 277
ochowdero is on a distinguished road

sorry i took forever to respond..

so the cps is there? cool, ill just get the cover and seal.
toyota dealer is the only way i can get that huh? even if i did get it from a junk, that isnt the best idea right?

oil cooler lines? :O i didnt know the stock turbo had them.
and i wouldnt even know where they go/look like

i figured i had everything for the intake, but i heard htat theres an adapter for the intake so you can have a cone filter?
1987 supra, BLUE 7mge.. AUTO TO MANUAL SWAP..

i really want turbo
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