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Old 02-08-2012, 03:35 AM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Aberdeen, WA
Posts: 43
Nathaninwa is on a distinguished road

This is for my Volvo project. I installed a 16 valve head on an 8v block, so its a hybrid timing belt setup. Theres really no belt covers for this application so I have a completely exposed belt setup. Im installing some audio this time around and bought a big amp alternator. Its being suggested that I run a serpenting setup over the stock V belts.

That being said, I have always wanted a serpentine, or at least a ribbed belt setup so I dont roll the V belts and take out my timing belt. I looked into a serpetine setup, but the idler and routing would get to complicated for where my accesories are. So remembering my 7m stuff I looked at my truck and liked what I saw. The diameter is perfect, and ironically, the crank bore is .015 smaller than my Volvo crank. So a little machining and the 7m balancer will be on my motor, but with my cooling fan, its a little close to get a ratchet on the crank bolt, I wanted to turn off the front most ribbed section as I only need the p/s and alternator belts. I wanted to see how the construction was and just what/and how much was holding it together. I cut mine in half today and Theres not really enough vulcanizing left if I turn off the front pully. Ill turn off the ribs section, but leave the whole thing long. There only about 2 inches of rubber holding the crank section onto the ribbed section.

Ill be leaving the new one full size and lathing off the ribs. Weight reduction will be minimul, but some, then Ill have it balanced.
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