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Old 02-09-2012, 05:49 AM   #1
12psi boost
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: California
Posts: 277
ochowdero is on a distinguished road
Default doing a 7mgte swap.. can you tell me what im missing? LOL

heres some pics of where my cps goes and of my turbo intake.
can you tell me alil more about what im missing?

this is where the cps goes, correct? ..well my question is can i use the component from my 7mge and put it on the 7mgte? if not, how much will this cost? D:


this is the turbo intake, well idk what its spose to look like or what else goes to this. this is the only piece i have for the intake part. what else is there? (under the yellow foam is a gold grill, "MAF" im assuming.)


also i have the harness and ecu for the 7mgte but the wires that plug into the ecu(car side) dont fit and on the ecu theres is another connection that i dont have on the car side.. what do i do? or what is needed to do?

thaNKS IN ADVANCE this is very much appreciated from any feedback.
1987 supra, BLUE 7mge.. AUTO TO MANUAL SWAP..

i really want turbo
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