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Old 12-12-2011, 07:29 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: richmond VA
Posts: 66
twd420 is on a distinguished road
Default 7m replacement swap problems

my chassis is an 87 turbo but from what i can gather i have an engine from 89-92 since the motor mounts were thicker and were slightly different. so i took my old mounts off the existing block and replaced them. They lined up perfect. Now the problem im having is i cant get enough clearance (3 inches max) to drop the engine down to the existing mounts. The best i can come up with is that the brake booster is causing the resistance. This is my first time swaping the engine so i might just be a total idiot. I would appreciate any tricks or ways to get the engine in without having to pull it back out and try all over again.
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