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Old 10-26-2011, 08:52 PM   #1
carl johansson
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Auberry, California
Posts: 141
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Default Head gaskets brand? metal? thickness?

Ok guys,
redoing the head gasket on 87 7mge. So i find HKS at rediculous prices, i find cometic and titan metal gasket at a reasonable price, and of course the toyota OEM. we run this thing basically stock, but it does run 18 hour endurance races, where it essentially goes between 2500 and 6000 RPM continuously for the whole 18 hours. We are after durability here. The last HG - Toyota OEM ran for 7200 race miles - pretty damned good!

Also what thickness do I need? Is the thickness relative to wether the head has been shaved?
One more thing - any one know why in the left corner of the first response to each post - you get part of a dialog box that say unable to open link? only happens on this website?

Carl Johansson
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