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Old 10-02-2011, 01:54 PM   #1
carl johansson
3" Exhaust
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Default One Piece Drive Shaft? experiences?

OK Guys,
We are upgrading our 88 NA, getting it ready for the next 24 hours of lemons race. Keep in mind it's about 14 hours of racing - dependability, longevity and reliability, thats the key here.
So we are looking at switching to a 1 piece drive shaft. Anyone know why toyota originally chose a 2 piece? we have had no problems with the 2 piece, but changing out the bearing is pricey, and having to get the ujoints pressed in, a PITA.
So what is the qadvantage of the one piece? does it create any issues with drive shaft angle? and any dependabilty?
Information and experience are valued here. WAGs don't help us much!

Carl Johansson
Johansson Brothers Racing
pS - "Slap a turbo on it" is not the solution we are looking for here!
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