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Old 08-03-2011, 12:58 PM   #17
El Supracabras
3" Exhaust
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Posts: 240
El Supracabras is on a distinguished road

How do you know its from a turbo A? The only thing in your pics that might prove you have something related, would be the computer or the throttle body. It would be a map based ecu, but I wouldn't know just by looking at it. Measure the throttle body and post a pic of it. Regular GTE is 60mm, GTEU is 65mm. This is an easy way to prove your lack of bovine scatology. Also real Turbo A engines are hand picked 7MGE blocks, so let's see those piston oilers.
It's not even that impressive. Different head, cams, bigger throttle body, intercooler, i/c piping, turbo inducer with Garrett wheel, map based ecu and better airflow over the intercooler. All add up to a 32HP increase over a stock production
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