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Old 04-01-2011, 02:35 AM   #27
3" Exhaust
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Default wiring visually looks ok for #1 and #2 ECT Solendoids

Located the #1 and #2 Solenoid wires. Took hours online, they are not listed well.
They are Green - Black and Green - Yellow wires, that run nearly to the back of the transmission driver side and both go into a rubber insert into Trans. (There's one final wire that runs to very back which is something else).

Coming back from the AT, it meets a wire connector underneath the intake side of engine, and from there goes to ECT underneath glove box I gather. Wiring into ECT looks brand new, perfect, and all wires are still wrapped and look visually complete everywhere I can spot them. Will try to run the Ohm meter on them tomorrow to double check they are capable of carrying electrical current each way.
88 Supra 7M-GTE Turbo, TEMS, Targa stock
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