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Old 11-18-2010, 07:57 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Austin, TX
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daveydogtx is on a distinguished road
Default '86 2.8L starting problem

Howdy members,
New to the forum here. I have an '86 2.8L MkII with 51k original miles on it. I don't drive it a whole bunch, but here is a starting problem i am having. I started it one morning to go to the ymca, fired up right away, no problem. Get to the Y, workout, 2 hours later go to leave and the thing barely would start, was cranking strong and all, but finally barely started.

I have been trying to figure what is going on. All the ignition fuses are good. Thought it might be a fuel supply/fuel pump problem so loosened the bolt to fuel line going to the rail, cranked it and fuel was spraying everywhere.

Took off the throttle body plastic air inductor piece that runs from the air filter cannister over the engine to the throttle body, opened up the throttle body and sprayed some quick start in there and it would turn over, but choked out due to the amount of air it was taking in. So, sprayed more in there, put all the air pieces back on, and it started up, a little rough running at first but then it seemed fine. I drove it for about 20 minutes, came home turned it off and it would barely start. Left it sit for a while and wouldn't start at all. Just got a clean used cold start injector, installed it and it won't start. Haven't retried the quick start fluid, just assuming it would fire up and do the same. Pulled all the wires from the distributor cap, one at a time, and sprayed a contact cleaner on them.

Any ideas what the problem is or where to diagnose?

Thanks for all your help!


Last edited by daveydogtx; 11-18-2010 at 08:00 PM.
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