Thread: Supra vs Celica
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Old 10-31-2010, 03:43 PM   #22
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ive had 3 celica supras and 3 mk3 supras.
stock for stock the mk3 is faster top speed, but i find that the celica is lighter and gets up a little faster.
seems that the shorter stroke, helps it get to the higher rmps faster.

but after i build 1 of the 4 5ms in my garage i would look out...
im just still lookin for a turbo.

and to be honest i think the celica looks nicer.

all the 240s and other nissans looks so similair.
i guess old corollas look kinda the same.

and mostly i see little punks who dont know shit about there mk3s driving around. it bothers me...

but thats just my train of thought.
1984 supra - 1uzfe - w58 - 4.10 - 1 piece aluminum shaft.
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