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Old 10-29-2010, 05:51 AM   #16
3" Exhaust
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 68
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well the problem is that the oil level is reading the wrong amount and the battery is doing the same( inaccurate readings). when i start the cold engine the oil jumps up to mid level( 40) then as the engine gets warmer(to norm op temp) the oil reading goes down to 0 and stays there until the engine is cold again.
too lazy to find a funny quote, buuuutttt off the top of my head. "life always= how well you treat your car, put crap in ur car, then car breaks down, then miss important meeting, or work which just so happen u cant miss another day or ur fired... and end up with a crappy life.

driving an '88 supra
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