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Old 10-11-2010, 09:56 PM   #6
3" Exhaust
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I had the same problem on my car. A slug on test drive and I bought it anyway. Many days later I decided to check if just in case... and sure enough, the mat was doubled up under the gas. Also have probably the same PS leak you might have.
I think you can get a re-built PS pump for $100 - $150 pretty easy. (you can do it yourself if you're adventurous - but I won't be).
The PS pressure lines are pricey but it's a whole kit. $100 at Robbins, and $60 at Autozone.
The rack, I read you can get rebuilt (or same as above do it yourself), and get a used re-built one for maybe $130. I was more or less hoping so.
I read here that the boot is only a dust seal, and it's an internal gasket, so if it's shot, the whole rack needs to get gone.
Let me know how it works out. Currently I am driving with no PS (actually not driving), until I fix this nasty mystery coolant leak which is hidden in the CPS / WP area...
88 Supra 7M-GTE Turbo, TEMS, Targa stock
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