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Old 09-01-2010, 05:41 AM   #1
born 4 supra
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: canada
Posts: 4
born 4 supra is on a distinguished road
Default inquiring about costs of upgrades...

hey guys, im looking into possibly buying and mk4 TT, and have a few questions. im not a car genius so dont be too harsh...but iv done a fair amount of searching, and from what iv understood is that a TT MK4 is a fast car, but not insanely fast (stock). however, if you mod your supra properly, it can be almost unbeatable. but my question is how much modding is neccesary? i dont need 800 hp, but considering the car is ~300hp stock, how hard is it to achieve 400-500 hp/tq? like if u throw on an intake and exhaust i assume that that wouldnt get u 400hp, but if someone could give me a ballpark estimate on what some first tuning steps usually are, and how much they would cost(roughly)? im only asking for a estimate, and i understand that you can spend different cash depending on parts and quality, but im talkin good reliable parts that arent like nascar insane. so basicaly all im asking is how much money do you have to spend to get to 4,5, or 600 hp, and what parts would be recomended? (again only a very rough estimate). sorry if its a stupid question, but i have done searching and havent really found a straight answer. anyway thanks alot, its really appreciated!!

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