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Old 08-22-2010, 05:09 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: St John, WA
Posts: 4
88supra7mge is on a distinguished road
Angry 1988 supra 7mge engine blown what to do?

hey guys today i traded my crx for a 88 supra n/a with stock 7mge with 170k the guy i traded with said the car ran good just needed a turn up to get back to perfect, looked car over, and noticed the bottom was obnormaly clean, asked him about it and he said he just gave the car a good cleaning, ok seems resonable, driving it home at 60mph i take the fun route with lots of curves to see what is up with the supra, get to the end of the road where a stop sign is and oil pressure drops and car dies, get out to take a look, and the rear main seal is gushing oil out, WTF, so my budy gets some oil and we fill it on up after it cooled off, only had another 10 miles till we got home, and when i slowed down in town, oil pressure drops again and car dies, im thinking tomyself i just got played like a bitch, push it the 3 block to my friends house, and we go and get oil and new oil filter thinking oil filter is plugged or something and that im going to have to go in and fix the rear main, put oil in and getting ready to attempt to take it back to my house, and the engine knocks like theres no oil in it all, the engine had blown up! now i dont know what to do i need some advice, is it going to be worth my money to do and engine swap, maby a 7mgte turbo, or do i try to sell the shell to get rid of the car, or part it out or what? any advice would be very appreciated, THANKS
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