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Old 08-14-2010, 05:59 AM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Perth
Posts: 8
Sapar is on a distinguished road
Default Fixed it

I fixed it!

I just ran a wire from a gutted fuse in the IGN fuse to a fuse holder and then directly to the IGN wire to the ECU.

It must have been damaged somehow.

Now I have a funny ticking noise, and it bogs down every now again.

I think the bogging down is from fouled plugs. I did have the engine upside down for 2 weeks, so oil could have got to them.

I will work out the ticking noise, could be the little guide washer that goes to the gear box, or it could be an imbalance on the crank, since I changed the conrod bolts.

Anyways That's the end of my not starting problems. No one posted but then again I sorted it myself anyways. Maybe next time?

Have a good one!
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