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Old 06-12-2010, 04:29 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: NYC
Posts: 231
bryanf89 is on a distinguished road
Default Turbo Backfiring

i changed my exhaust system to a 3in downpipe, test pipe and a blitz cat back...the car runs fine but when the turbo builds up pressure, that when i get a jerk...the gauge used to read at -4, now it stays right above the 0mark, exactly above the 0 mark...the gauge was reading and i saw it go straight to above the 8mark...its weird because the turbo seems to be building up more pressure, but gets to a certain point where it starts backfiring and the car starts jerking...also the engine light goes on only when the turbo acts up

any ideas?
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