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Old 05-17-2010, 10:15 PM   #15
12psi boost
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Default Still no start

Hello every one. I swapped out the fuel pump relay with my other car, I did the jump to test the fuel pump propped open the vane turned on the key went back to the gas cap and listened. I can hear the fuel pump running. There is a slight buzz but barely audible.

Took the wire off the jumper, took off the prop to the vane tried to start the car and it fired for about 2 seconds then died again. When I jumped it I could not hear any return flow but after cranking it for about 20 seconds I could smell fuel but still not starting.

Could it be flooded now? The T assembly that runs across the rear of the valve covers is not on tight the rubber hosing is cracking and needs to be replaced.. would that stop it from starting?

I really am getting nowhere here with this, I am thinking fuel filter now, I have swapped the starter relay, the main, the fuel pump is making sound, I have fire to the plugs and after sitting for some time it sometimes tries to fire.

Any Ideas? Thanks for your input. Scott

Update: I just went out and took off the cold start line. I jumped the box and it started sending fuel, took the jumper off and turned the key and it was pushing fuel so I am at a loss here. I suppose compression test is the next test? I am definately getting fuel Could it be flooded now after doing the jumper test?

I am so puzzled. Compression test will tell me something I guess. Just doesn't make sense that it would die so suddenly does it if it is a head gasket or bad compression doesn't that happen over time slowly? I thought you had to be blowing tons of steam or smoke before a car would eventually stop running from compression. Help?

Any ideas suggestions?
1987 N/A 7MGE Left Hand Drive MK3 Red 5 Speed and Black Auto Supras
My Next project is the Batmobile!

Last edited by batmmannn; 05-17-2010 at 10:48 PM.
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