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Old 05-07-2010, 12:41 AM   #1
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Question Turbo smoking!!! Please heeeeelp!!

Ok here is the main point. I start my car and it runs like a dream I walk away come back ten minutes and it still sits there begging to be released onto the road. I drive the car slowely around the block pull back in to my apt and put it in park. From under the hood arises light colored smoke. I open the hood and smoke billows from the depths of the engine with no significant source. I have brought it to two mechanics. One replaced the headgasket, nothing changed except my wallet. The other mechanic had the car for 6 months said it was the turbo and he doesnt fix those. He did somehow ruin my plug wires so that the car does not fire all the time. I just want to drive my car again.... Here is the list of what happenes.
1. Drive the car long distances and smoke comes through the car vents.
2. Car has no (get up and go) power anymore.
3. Drive it a little ways and it starts smoking.
4. I believe it is leaking oil from the turbo? I dont know if that makes since because I no nothing about turbo's except the basic concept.
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