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Old 03-23-2010, 11:55 PM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: laramie wy
Posts: 35
chinesedawn is on a distinguished road
Red face cost me 45 seconds to accelerate to 60mile/hour!......

I posted a thread the day before yesterday( why?! still no power) but nobody give a good answer so I post another one, I wish somebody can give some help.

like what I said, the car runs smooth but too smooth, I test my car just now, my supra need 45seconds to accelerate to 60miles/hour, from 0 to 40miles/hour is OK,just OK, but from 40 to 60 is super slow. air filter is new, spark plugs are pretty good, I checked them few days ago, EGR valve works properly, all spark plug wires are new, fuel mile age is about 18 miles/gl, gas pedal pretty sensitive right now but I can't feel too much difference when I pressed it to floor, I can hear engine work harder and RPM increase( but slow) but still poor accleration

I want to know what test I should do to figure out what is the problem of my car and fix it, I only have basic tools right now so I only can do some easy test I think.
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