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Old 03-05-2010, 07:02 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by cre View Post
As you know, sometimes it doesn't take much at all to throw everything out of whack. If you have any items which have play but not much make a note of it as a couple problems may be complimenting each other.

Pull the calipers off to ensure that the glides are not sticking.

If it only happens under load I'd add checking the subframe, diff, half axles and transmission output shaft to the list.

Oh, and check the PS rack.

That's all I can think of...
Took car up today up to highway speeds... and a little beyond.

I think it can be better described as a vibration rather than a shaking.

I used to get a banging noise from the center bearing which was fixed when I changed to a 1 piece, but now I'm noticing a clicking noise when going on/off gas which I'm assuming is from the differential.

Will a worn out differential cause a vibration? I can definitely see how if I have worn out differential bearings maybe it'd cause a problem but I'm having a hard time seeing how a worn differential may cause an issue.

If it's the differential, what kind should I replace it with? I saw OBX on ebay for cheap?
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