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Old 10-19-2009, 12:57 AM   #30
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 167
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Originally Posted by 86.5 7MGE View Post
First of all you definitely want to pull the manual fan off if you put electric ones on because that's going to more problems than solutions and plus I don't think you could get the dual fans on without pulling the clutch fan off. The difference between the auto and manual radiators is that the automatic radiator has transmission coolant line connections which you need versus the manual which doesn't have any use for them.
Ah, I was wondering that... and that actually concerns me... since the car was a manual and an auto was thrown in... I'd have to guess that I have no transmission fluid cooling going on... :\ Also, you confirmed my suspicion about the crank fan coming off... didn't look like there would be enough clearance anyways... I'm just wondering if it can come off at the crank, or if I need to leave the clutch assembly attached to balance weight somewhere along the lines.. granted it's not much weight to be balanced, but spinning that fast, the smallest offset could throw the thing into a sloppy rotation.. much like a washing machine with an uneven load? Eh, that's my logic... which is why I ask questions, I know I'm not a mechanic, but I want to get used to my mk3 rather than being concerned about what every pop and ping I hear might be. Also hoping this concern will subside the longer I drive the car in good running condition... having it die after two weeks of owning it doesn't exactly support a positive confidence in reliability..
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