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Old 10-11-2009, 03:34 AM   #3
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by cre View Post
It's possible (see: VERY common) that one or more of the exhaust stud's threads in the head gave up... in which case helicoiling will be required. Hopefully, that's not the case. Did you tighten the nuts on the studs according to spec? 29ft lbs, IIRC? Did you replace the manifold gasket?

Our cars tend to run very rich, so when the car is still warming up you should check if the smoke smells like fuel.

It sounds like an exhaust leak to me as well, the cause is all that remains and pulling the manifold back off is the only real solution.
Yeah, me and a buddy took a look at it today, and the guy who did the HG work screwed up pretty bad, he broke the bolt off in the head, and left a bunch loose. I'm going to wait until Monday and use the Easy-out bits he has in his diesel shop at school. These cars are so weird..
Proud owner of a 1988 Toyota Supra Turbo, 105k Miles, and great condition.

I might have to sell it to help pay for school so here's the link.
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