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Old 09-25-2009, 09:39 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 20
Chromemoly is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Tail Light Upgrade (con't)

Well, I have been working on the New Style Tail Light conversion for the last couple of nights after work. Here is what I have learned:
1-The two rear hatch lock assemblies are different. The way they are mounted on the license plate panel is also different. They do not interchange.
2-To get the 89+ license plate panel to attach to an 86.5-88 rear panel will necessitate 4 holes drilled in order to support the lock assemblies, and to allow the panel studs to protrude fully resulting in flush fitment.
3-There are two cables that attach to the rear-hatch lock assemblies no matter what year, however the cable on the 89+ Supras is different. I used the 86.5-88 system which will utilize the same holes and gromets. Now the hatch release lever inside the car works, and the key works for the rear hatch lock. The only drawback is that this is a different key from all the other locks. When I first compared the two different lock assemblies it did not appear that I could swap out the old one to maintain the ability to use the old key. Still, it's a small price to pay for the new style tail-light.
86.5 N/A to Turbo Project
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69 Z/28
74 Camaro LT
87 GTI
94 EX
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