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Old 09-08-2009, 04:03 AM   #27
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Powell, Wyoming
Posts: 32
Blackdog is on a distinguished road

The way i found out was after i drove it, didnt matter if if was for 2 mins or longer, i opened the hood and a lil bit of smoke was coming out of the motor. Than about 5ish minutes after i turned the car off, coolant flooded into the resivor and spilled over. If coolant fills the resivor and over flows, you have a bhg. If your exhaust is white too. You can check your oil too by drain a lil out and if its water your in trouble. And you can pop the cap on your radiator too(dont do it after driving or while running the car) and if oil is floatin on the top, you have bhg.
1987 supra turbo 5speed. Great condition...sept the damn head gasket...but im working of that

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