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Old 07-14-2009, 01:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Victorville, Ca
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tikibeast is on a distinguished road
Default MKIII with overheating issues.

I came across a guy looking to sell his 86 MKiii for $800, from what he says it runs great, recently had the bottom end rebuilt (7m-ge), but now runs hot due to an issue with the heads. From my standpoint it's cheap and hopefully a cheap fix so I'm considering it, I need temporary cheap transportation for now and I don't intend to keep this engine in the car for more than a few months any way. The long term plan is to drop in a 1jzgte in this fall once the temps cool down and I get some free time. I just need to get some rough ideas as to what may be causing the car to overheat before I start dumping money into it. All in all I'd like to spend less than $3-400 on repairs if I can, anything more than that is going to require I look for another car instead and try for a mkiii sometime down the road.
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