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Old 12-22-2008, 10:33 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: pennsylvania
Posts: 4
01S2000 is on a distinguished road
Default i hope this is the right area to post this

i have a 01 s2000 and need some help in my swap i'm going to be doing after the wife and i buy a house.
1. can i use a IS300 engine and a 6spd supra tranny?
2. how long are they put together?
3. can i also have some site info on where to go for modification

i know there is a FAQ but i work two jobs and go to school and in the process of looking for a house i just need to be pointed in the right direction to do my research. i'm in automotive school now and will be graduating within the next year. i'm not looking to get crazy numbers out of this swap just want to be a little different then all the other s2000's. also i couldn't handle the high hp because my car doesn't weigh very much so i couldn't realistically use the high hp. it would just spin the tires off. i just want more low end without sacraficing high end. any helpful info would be great!
thanks in advance
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