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Old 09-05-2008, 03:06 PM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: England
Posts: 4
Supra275 is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the reply.

I have wiggled and waggled every wire that I can access and it does not affect the lights. I have also checked some of the wiring for shorts etc but found nothing so far ( the wiring diagram is not ideal as it is for USA / CANADA ). The fault exhibits its self in a very consistent way – the only aspect of the fault that is unpredictable is the headlights remaining on when the main light switch is OFF and the key removed from the ignition. Sometimes, after being parked overnight, when the car is started the headlights come on but do not pop up and when the car is driven forward they flash at a rate proportional to the speed of the vehicle, as described before.
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