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Old 06-04-2008, 02:26 PM   #160
3" Exhaust
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: So. Cal Mountains
Posts: 178
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Hey Burton, keep asking lots of questions. That is EXACTLY what these forums are for. That is also the best way to form your own opinions. There isn’t anybody in this forum, other forums, or the world who have ALL the RIGHT answers. You may get lots of answers, but many are wrong, ? wrong, or misleading.

Don’t pay attention to Supramacist seemingly cocky, negative, and ignorant sounding statements like…
Not to mention the time you have waisted because you didn't form your own conclusions or thought process because you were to busy asking every one what was what instead of learning about it along with the rest of us.

I’m sure Supramacist meant nothing personal. Sometimes when we e-mail or post things in forums the undertone comes across wrong.

My advice, for what it’s worth, MAKE SURE you have the official Toyota Supra full repair manual, ask lots of questions, don’t take anybodies opinions as Gospel, take your time, and have fun doing it. If you start to get frustrated with something, walk a way for a short while or day, come back with a fresh attitude and often things start to work.

Last edited by Spudboy; 06-04-2008 at 05:59 PM.
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