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Old 05-15-2008, 09:26 PM   #3
1000whp postwhore
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supramacist is on a distinguished road

All I'm going to say is 185 isn't how much it's going to cost you.

That's about how many miles you'll get after you build it that way.

If you're strapped for cheese. The lifestyle that is supra.

Isn't the best move for you.

You're selling parts from your project car to buy another project car.

There will be NO reliability in the build you have already mentioned. You're wasting your time, effort and money.

Real MHG's cost about $350. Cheap piece o' shite hg and ARP studs????

You should get a better gasket. You should not skip the machining.

You need to spend time reading around here before you start trying to buy your own personal money pit.

I'm not harsh'n on you. I'm telling you the truth.

Welcome to the forum!
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