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Old 05-11-2008, 06:13 PM   #122
Bill UK
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The timing light pickup should be on # 6 HT lead; don’t forget to short out terminals T and E1 in the diagnosis box. I've never had a problem with air trapped in the cooling system. I normally set the heater controls on to hot and fill up the system fairly slowly, start the engine with the cap off and leave it for about 3 minutes, put the cap back on and gravity does the rest. I assume and air would be expelled into the expansion tank and when the engine cools down only coolant would be sucked back in. (that’s providing you have remembered to fill up the expansion bottle to above halfway)
I've seen post about burping the system, where you remove the jiggle valve and drill a 4mm hole in the thermostat, park the supra facing up a hill, stand on one leg, let the engine run for a while with the cap off and out pops the air bubbles. (Standing on one leg is optional)
Power steering, funny you should ask that; I've never removed the PS Reservoir even when removing the engine, I understand the procedure is this; Start the engine and let it tick over between 800 and 1,000 revs, Remove the PS Reservoir cap, keep tuning the steering wheel slowly to one lock to another, you should see air bubbles rising up. If you can, it would be better to raise the front wheels of the ground. Great weather today Andy hope it lasts for next weekend.
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