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Old 05-05-2008, 10:57 AM   #44
3" Exhaust
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Columbia, SC
Posts: 69
spudz29212MKIII is on a distinguished road

Okay guys I have bad news bears. I may have found the issue of over half my problems.

Alright, so got home from school parked the car and did my compression test.( before I ripp anything apart )

Tests are as follow:
Cylinder: PSI:
1 160
2 170/175 (probably cause I cranked it once more than others)
3 160
4 130 (also did wet test came to about 162 PSI)
5 60 (wtf....fuck wet test)
6 170/175 (same as cylinder 2)

Cylinder 4 & 5 readings were shit. I didnt bother doing wet test on 5 it was so low I just got pissed. The high readings are because JDM engine might of had head shaved for install, but IDK (swap done from prev owner). Or just a ton of carbon build.

Results show two adjacent cylinders low as hell, probable cause HG blown. Or my rings are shot. But then again who knows because thats where my loud valve noise is comming from.

But I am taking my car to my bro-in-law house and putting compressed air to those cylinders I guess the "leak down" test. We are going to see where the air is comming out at. Radiator cap, oil cap, etc. To further diagnosis these two cylinders. But ill post back our results.
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