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Old 04-29-2008, 11:55 PM   #12
1000whp postwhore
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Thanks for making my point exactly.
Frankenstiening the head to the block.
Good lord. You can't expect that to last. That's normally the weakest part of the engine.

If your block is toast your car is grounded.

I'm trying to help you man, but you don't want to see that it's your thought process that is part of your problem. You're not fixing anything and when you're actually faced with fixing it instead of bandaids that don't do anything for these cars the price tag and the time are going to be much more massive and time consuming than they are right now.

I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot man.
But you came in here running your suck about our inefficiencies as a collective.

Maybe you can visualize an easier road to tow. I'm not allowed to act like I'm acting right now in here but I believe in this forum and all of its members. I'll stand up all day for these guys. Even you man. Some toyota mechanics still follow the wrong torque specs on cars from 1985 because the tsrm is printed wrong.

If a toyota tech can make that error. Your master tech probably has as well. Unless you have pre-exponentially enlightened him such as you have me today.
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