Thread: Bic DDP
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Old 01-16-2008, 04:44 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Glendale, AZ
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Pretaco is on a distinguished road
Default Bic DDP

How many of you with the bic DDP daily drive your cars?

How loud is it and can you drive it without getting tickets for noise?

I really think thats what I want to put on my car, but not if I can't drive it on the street.

I also have to pass emissions every two years, so need something that will pass a smog and visual test. I'm not too worried about the visual, I doubt they will be able to see anything under there, but I don't know how close they look.

I don't want to do the optional reconnection back into the exhaust, because I want the exhaust noise, but only when I floor it.

So I guess I want to know how loud is it before full boost, and can you control the sound by the way you drive?
Thanks, Ray.
'88 Supra Targa 5 speed w/ '90 7M-GTE
Currently Running Good

For Sale: Light blue body parts, Blue interior parts all from '90 supra targa turbo manual.

Also for sale: R154 trans, brake pedal, master cylinder, booster, abs actuator, sensors, abs ecu, driveshaft, 3.90 lsd rear end, radiator, wiring, speedo cable, 8 saw blade wheels, '88 ecu, relays, cruise control actuator (bad cable), empty fuel tank, etc....
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