Thread: head bolts
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Old 08-25-2007, 07:11 AM   #2
12psi boost
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Athens, TX
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As for your first question if you havent done a head gasket and ARP studs I wouldnt really turn up the boost much but as that goes the factory 7MGTE turbine will go up some more but not a whole lot. As for the second question MANUEL BOOST CONTROLLERS SUCK imo. The thing I hate about them is they dont automatically comensate for temp changes you have to do it. But as for where to put it it just goes in line with the vaccumm line going to your wastegate on your turbo itself you will see the wastegate it is on the exhaust side looks like a bee hive thing. There will be a vaccumm line going in the top and just put the controller in line there. Lastly for the boost gauge line you could always run it through the side of your engine compartment in the fender and through one of the rubber boots on the harnesses going through there. I ran mine with the engine harness but I drilled a hole in the firewall because I am lazy and didnt want to extend my harness.
1987 supra NA 5 speed
1JZGTE swap
Tokico Illumina 2 and Eibach springs
Tokico pillow blocks
Suspension Techniques front and rear sway bar
HKS super dragger cat-back exhaust plus test pipe
Greddy Profec B spec 2 boost controller
HKS type 1 turbo timer
Supra sport solid steel drive shaft
Walboro 255 fuel pump
JZA70 Front end mod
18" Volk Racing AV3 18x8.5 front 18x9.5 rear
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