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Old 08-13-2007, 06:21 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Posts: 48
cageceo is on a distinguished road
Red face Blown away

i think , i think im... blown away lol, jeez man good job.

Now that you have an idea of what Bone stock offers and what you get.

only other adivce i think i got to say is...

becareful of previously modded Cars i think a lot of people would agreee and say the same. IMHO ( in my honest opinion) i Would not go for a fully tricked out Car, unless you are sure of the guys work. You can never be sure how Far into a Car he/she has Gone, and what things he/she may have messed with and didn't do such a Great job.

Example, my mustang like my first car i bought which i still have. had a few mods the previous Took out but left the live wiring to, Alram , fog lights, and i think he may have had a few other lil gadgets. long Story short, those loose wires where Draining and messing up my Cars Battery, and made my car unrelaible and was in and out of Autozone with batteries until i got feed up and took all the wiring off.

No lie pulled out a Create's worth of usless Wiring... now the car runs great.

P.s that list should get stickied... very freaking nice !!
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