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Old 06-24-2005, 10:26 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 1
Judge is on a distinguished road

I am trying to fix-up an 86.5 Supra 7M-GE Targa in Bosnia... - needless to say getting parts is more difficult but it happens.

so far we were able to find a lot of parts in Hungary but there are a few that are harder to come by such as - front (right) ABS sensor looks like it was hit by something - the US dealer price is almost as much as the price I paid for the whole car - brakes work but the ABS isn't working - signal from the rotation counter is too weak and installing my own amplifier doesn't work well since I can't build shock and shaking resistant devices - does anyone know where I could order/find one of these (no junk yards with Supras around me either) - part numer: toyota 89543-14010

2nd - the car was stripped of its stereo equipment and while CD player is easy to fit in I was wondering if anyone has a spec on the front and rear speaker mounting holes

3rd - fuel gauge is always showing empty and I am not sure even what to troubleshoot - it was my fault since it was always showing the fuel status and I assumed that it was wrong - it was showing fuel levels even when the ignition was off - so I took it out to fix it - after I 'fixed' it went down to emmpty without ignition - but never came back up.... - I know that the part in the tank is giving the signal I need new gauge or someone to sent me the schematic of how it works - since I blew this one
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