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Old 06-21-2007, 06:05 PM   #3
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2006
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OfnaRcR is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by dcrusupra
Pull off the intake hose to the turbo and check to see if there is any shaft movement. Push in and pull on the impeller blades. If it moves then it is bad. Also move it side to side. If it moves a lot the it is bad. Also start the car and then look at the impeller blades. See if they are moving.

Here is a video of the death whine
I forgot to say that i pulled the hose off and checked for play. It had no in and out but it had some side to side. I have little experience so i can't tell you if it was a lot. I will go out and check for spinage at idle and such. Some people are saying a possible boost leak?
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