Thread: vandalized
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Old 06-21-2007, 02:30 AM   #9
Japanese supra tt
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Japanese supra tt is on a distinguished road

fuck yeah, im pretty sure the kid that did it hate me for a few reasons.
1. when him and this one girl were on a break from their relationship, i stole her
2. his current girlfriend now tried to get drunk with me and i led her on

so im waiting for the next time i see this scrawny bitch at night sometime.

because i do live on an air force base -.-

anyone got any badass links to a locking gas cap?
feeling to lazy to look it

EDIT: oh and i got an idea from my friend, to pry his tank open and put 2 raquetballs in there. itll float on top, until it reaches the opening at the fuel pump, then itll get stuck and the engine will die because of no fuel, then when it shuts off, the ball will fall out of the hole and itll run fine until it floats into the hole again.
and they will never be able to diagnose the problem unless they take a looksy in the gas tank.
haha pretty creative

Last edited by Japanese supra tt; 06-21-2007 at 02:40 AM.
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