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Old 06-05-2007, 02:13 AM   #1
12psi boost
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: long beach, CA
Posts: 252
88Tsupra is on a distinguished road
Default Timing is right buh i still lack power

i checked my timing today and its exactly at 10degree and my idle isd 900rpm and i know its suppose to be at 650rpm i tried checking the CPS and throttle and i cant get it to 650rpm. Ive had about 5 other supra owners around long beach that said i should feel the power at 3000rpm and i used to feel it but now i cant feel it at all it feels the same and when turbo kicks in. I can still barelly feel it. anyone have any clue wha can be wrong i got a code 51 buh it went away after i fixed it..

thank you for any help at all i want my car back to killing hondas on the street
88turbo targa-white
original Pin Stripe
custom intake-Tenzo filter.....Momo racing seats and steering wheel...
apexi exhaust tip-custom 3" piping. Replaced with RSR GT II
NGK plug and wires
HID conversion head lights
HKS Turbo Timer Type-1 (in black)
Tial BOV
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