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Old 04-13-2007, 05:03 PM   #9
20psi boost
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Prybar is a term used in the auto technician trade to describe a tool that has a handle like a screwdriver but the tool end has a box shank and is about 2 feet long with a big flathead at the end that is usually angled about 30-45 degrees. It's meant to pry things apart.

When you say center nut are you talking about the crankshaft pulley bolt? And every single nut/bolt on a supra tightens to the right and loosens to the left. There are no reverse threaded fasteners on a MK3 supra.

I'm telling you but you seem to not want to hear it, the only way you are going to keep the crank from spinning is to jam the flywheel. I've done it before, I'm not just giving you hearsay like some people do.
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