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Old 02-20-2007, 03:59 AM   #7
20psi boost
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Marc, usually when that happens the CE light stays on as long as the engine is running.

west_side_supra said: "if i drive it normal i have no problems
when i drive it hard enough for the turbo to kick in the check engine light will turn on."

And he said "is boosting past stock so 10-11psi"

I personally think the knock sensor is doing its job, and detonation robs you of power so that would explain your "dragging behind like im towing somthing."

When the ECU detects knock, it retards the timing like a mofo and performance goes way down.

Why don't you try lowering the boost, and take a few "shims" out of your wastegate. Or put a walbro 255lph fuel pump in it. 550's wouldn't hurt either.
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