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Old 05-14-2005, 01:04 PM   #25
12psi boost
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: West Milford, NJ
Posts: 357
KingDiamond is on a distinguished road

all i have to say is whats already been said, americans can't build engines worth a crap compared to the foreigners (spelling?). I myself use to hate, as i called them rice burners, and loved american cars. Then i owned many, and got tired of them breaking down all the time. Also you have to really ask yourself how pathetic are american engine builders, when they can only get like 320 horse out of a 350 v8, i saw a lotus with a 1.9 liter in it that does 10's. And as far as your well you have to have a turbo to beat us, well you have to have a huge engine to beat us, hows that it works both ways. If you were to give american engine builder, and a japanese, or brit , an engine size and see who can come out with the better engine, would be no question as to who would win. I believe most of this has already been said, but some people are thick headed like i use to be about american junk.
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