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Old 05-06-2005, 05:32 PM   #1
12psi boost
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: West Milford, NJ
Posts: 357
KingDiamond is on a distinguished road

I'm purchasing a 87 supra for 300, they say all it needs is a cam gear, which the new one comes with the car, and the guy just bought it for the tires, so is now selling it, and said it runs and all, so i figure i'll put her back together and see what happens. And if it don't work out to well, i'm gonna part her out. So if anyone needs anything give me a heads up along with your email address. I'll keep you in mind and write you back upon my decision. Oh and its a N/a. But i know there are some parts that are not drive train related you might need.

One question, whenever we refer to cars, why do we always refer to them as being of the female gender
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